This tool can convert RGB color to HEX color very quickly, Hexadecimal color code is the code that sets the color value in software and on the web.
DoneTools presents this free online color converter between two color formats, RGB and HEX. This tool is fast and very simple to use.
How to Convert RGB to HEX
This tool can convert RGB color to HEX color very quickly. Hexadecimal color code is the code that sets the color value in software and on the web. HEX and RGB are two different color models, and the two have fixed formulas that can be converted to each other. Enter the values for the colors RGB, then click the Convert button. You can get the HEX values here.
Step 1. Open the RGB to HEX color converter online tool.
Step 2. Paste the RGB color code.
Step 3. Click on the "Convert" button.
What does this RGB to Hex converter do?
It takes input in the form of values for Red, Green, and Blue ranging from 0 to 255 and then converts those values to a hexadecimal string that can be used to specify color in html/css code. Photo editing software usually represents color in RGB, and therefore, if you would like to use the colors you use in your photo editing software as the background of your html element, you will have to get the hexadecimal representation of the RGB values. This tool allows you to get those values.
What Does "RGB" Stand For?
RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue, and these are the primary colors of light.
The RGB color system is an additive color system, which means the more you add, the more you get closer to white. Unlike in the RYB color system, a subtractive color system means the more you add, the more you get closer to white.
Red, green, and blue are the primary colors of light, and they range from 0 to 255. The value shows the intensity of each color. All the other colors are formed by combining these three-color values (0 to 255).
So if Red = 255, Green = 255, and Blue = 255, then the white color would be achieved.
Some of the best photo editing and graphic design software like Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Fireworks, etc., represent or show the color system in RGB format.
What is a HEX Color System?
The HEX color system is linked with the RGB color system. In the HEX color system, the color is represented with a Hexadecimal string (words, numbers, or combination of both), about its mixing in Red, Green, and Blue.
The color code starts with the hashtag (#) sign in the HEX color system, followed by the six letters. These six letters are the actual representation of the red, green, and blue colors. Among these six letters, the first two letters represent red, the second two letters represent green, and the third two letters represent green.
Uses of RGB Color Values and HEX Color Codes
While there are connections between the HEX and RGB color schemes, each has its own purposes.
The HEX color codes are safe for web browsers, meaning whatever browser you use will provide you with the same color results. That is why it is used in website designing, logo making, etc. Simultaneously, the RGB color system is based on light colors and is used in monitors, television screens, cameras, and digital cameras.