CSS Minifier
We provide the CSS Minifier tool to help you simplify and compress your CSS code to load more quickly. You can minify, make your code look nicer, and compile SCSS and LESS.
Did you know that one of the fundamental optimizations you must perform to make your website or app user-and search engine-friendly is to minify your CSS?
According to a study, if a website takes longer than three seconds to load, visitors leave and go to another website 60% of the time. So, focusing on making your website or app load faster is important. Compressing and minifying your CSS code is one of the steps you must take to achieve this.
Additionally, to benefit end users, well-optimized websites that load quickly also receive preference from search engines. The CSS minify tool can help with this.
What is a CSS Minifier?
We provide the CSS Minifier tool to help you simplify and compress your CSS code so it loads more quickly. You can minify, make your code look nicer, and compile SCSS and LESS.
You don't need to do it manually because this free tool completes the task in seconds. So, please feel free to use this tool to generate your CSS codes and increase the speed at which your website or application loads.
How to Minify CSS?
Step 1. Copy-paste your CSS into the allotted box.
Step 2. You can also choose a file from your device and upload it.
Step 3. Click "Minify CSS" to start minifying your CSS for the new window.
Step 4. Copy and paste the minified CSS.
Uses of CSS Minifier
A website's speed can be increased through minification. For example, a script can be made up to 20% smaller through minimization, reducing the download time. Additionally, some programmers will use it to "obfuscate" their code. This makes it challenging to read the code.
Combining all the CSS files for a single website into one file reduces the number of HTTP requests required to obtain all the website's components. In addition, it improves the efficiency of gzip compression and minification.
In summary, this is what a CSS minifier can do:
- First, it removes useless white spaces, indentation characters, and line breaks.
- Removes all comments
- Removes the last semi-colon of a style declaration and extra semi-colons
- Removes empty CSS declarations.
- Removes units when using zero values.
- It removes the leading 0 if a float value is lower than one.
- RGB color values are converted to a shorter hexadecimal format
- Hexadecimal colors following the pattern #AABBCC are reduced to #ABC
- Keeps a single character set per CSS file, removing all extra declarations.
- No values are converted to 0 whenever it is safe to do so.