Image Resizer

Resize images to the exact dimensions you want with our free image resizer. You can resize them in batches and download them in JPG, PNG, or GIF formats.

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- or -

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Maximum upload file size: 250 MB

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Resize Image

No Change!

Resize images to the exact dimensions you want with our Free Image Resizer. You can resize them in batches and download them in JPG, PNG, or GIF formats.

With our free online image resizer, you can make your images pixel perfect. Adjust the dimensions of your photos so you can use them for everything from social posts to your online store.

How to Use the Image Resizer

Step 1. Upload the file you want to resize. Upload your image via browsing, dragging & dropping, using a link or cloud storage. 

Step 2. Select the format you want your images to be converted to in the drop-down menu.

Step 3. Click the "Resize Image Now" button to begin to resize the image.

Where Can You Use the Image Resizer?

When the size of your photos matters, you often have to give up their quality. Not anymore, With DoneTools’s Image, you don’t have to make this compromise! You can resize your photos and images without needing to install any additional software on your computer to make them work. Simply go to this website, upload your photo, and resize it. 

DoneTools’s Image Resizer supports the following formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF.

You can use this tool to resize photos for a variety of applications, including:

  • Publishing images on your website for the pages to load fast
  • Sending images as email attachments
  • Posting photos on your blog
  • Posting photos on Facebook, Google+, and other social media platforms
  • For creating internet auction pages like eBay, etc.
  • Posting photos on the forum
  • Including photos in Word or PDF documents

Why Choose DoneTools Image Resizer?

Perfect Quality

We have the best online image resizer. You need to resize your images at the highest quality.

Lightning Fast

This cloud-hosted, highly scalable tool can resize your images within seconds!

Easy to Use

Simply upload your image and choose the target size. It is that easy.

Works Anywhere

DoneTools’s Image Resizer is a browser-based tool. There is no need to install software, and it works on any platform (Windows, Linux, and Mac). 

"Safe and Secure"

Your images are uploaded via a secure 256-bit encrypted SSL connection and deleted automatically within 2 hours.

It is totally free.

We have resized countless images for free. You don’t need to install any software, and there are no registrations or watermarks.

Optimize Your Images for the Web

Give your digital images the ideal size and configuration to fit a variety of applications by using DoneTools's online image resizer and optimizer tool. Fast and simple image resizing makes your life simpler, whether you need it for a social media profile, a product photo for your online store, or an e-newsletter.